scientific validation
The Valid Science of FlorAlive®Flower Essences:
We believe that in consideration of the three domains of science listed in the side bar, FlorAlive® UNCUT Flower™ essences have been proven more thoroughly than any other flower essence brand worldwide.
Conventional/traditional flower essence exert an effect due to the subtle vibrational frequencies that are transferred from cut flowers that are immediately immersed in a water bath. The life force of the flower and the QUANTUM COHERENCE of the flower are disrupted during the cut-flower extraction process. Nevertheless, healing frequencies are transmitted. The flower essence water is then decanted and diluted to make the final bottled flower essence.
A belief in Higher Guidance from the supersensory world is what prompted Dr. Davis' dream at the turn of the millennium wherein he saw in his mind's eye what became the patented FlorAlive® extraction process and apparatus that allows extraction of the UNCUT, living flower. That invention results in the quantum advantage of the most highly coherent and dimensionally active healing frequencies that can be collected from a flower.
Several "hard" science studies suggest that FlorAlive® essences contain a greater concentration, amplitude, and range of healing frequencies than the world's best known and widest selling flower essence.
"Soft" science in the form of one clinical study using questionnaires and statistical analysis show that in one month the quantum frequencies of FlorAlive® essences diminished and removed destructive beliefs of the participants by as much as 50 percent. Validation by clinicians properly trained in applied kinesiology muscle testing shows on an ongoing basis that FlorAlive® essences remove self-destructive and limiting subconscious beliefs when tested by means of self-referential statements. (The validity of this type of testing has been demonstrated in a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Monti et al., Muscle Test Comparison of Congruent and Incongruent Self-Referential Statements, Perceptual and Motor Skills (1999) 88, 1019 - 1028.)
FlorAlive® and "Hard" Science
A useful method in science is to compare a new discovery (in this case quantum frequencies from the FlorAlive® UNCUT flower™ process as appearing in the combination essence ReviveAll™) with an existing entity that has a long history of use: a "gold standard". The combination flower essence with the longest history of use and the largest volume of sales is Dr. Bach's 5 flower essence he created nearly a hundred years ago to ease emotional shock that can occur after an accident or other disruption. Dr. Bach's 5 flower combination essence was used in comparison with Dr. Davis' six flower combination essence created for FlorAlive®, ReviveAll™. ReviveAll™ is designed to heal and mend the effects of emotional abuse or trauma, and to establish the sense of a more comfortable and empowered self. Off-the-shelf sealed bottles of each product were sent to two different research facilities in Europe for scientific analysis and comparison.
Test 1- The first evaluation was performed by the laboratory of Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp at the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany. Frequencies emitted by biological systems may be so subtle that conventional laboratory instruments cannot directly measure them. So Dr. Popp devised an ingenious way, tested over many years, to measure subtle frequencies (such as those found in homeopathic remedies and flower essences) by measuring the amount of re-emitted photons from standardized sprouting seedlings that have been treated by the substance under investigation. (A sophisticated instrument that can actually measure individual photon emission was used.) Two standardized sprouting seedling systems were used, each one having been treated by one of the flower essences. Both systems are then exposed to the exact same quantity and intensity of light, and the light that each system re-emits is directly correlated with the vitality of the test solution (each company's flower essence.) The graph measuring this vitality is shown below.

FlorAlive® ReviveAll™ showed 27% more vitality as compared to Dr. Bach's five flower emergency formula.
Test 2- The second evaluation consisted of an ingenious new technology first used in 2007 in which a very sensitive, ultra compact RF (radio frequency) monitor is placed within a small sample of the solution under investigation. The monitor can detect the strength (amplitude) and spread of frequencies (hertz range) of each test sample. This is a direct (not a derived) measurement. Initial tests show a very exciting finding relating to ReviveAll™. The dominant resonance of the atmosphere around the earth is the Schumann frequency of 7.83 hertz (cycles per second), and this is a critical part of the natural frequencies of the brain and life cycles in biological systems. Direct measurement of ReviveAll showed the distinct signature of the frequency of living plants - a low hertz range including the Schumann frequency - which communicates information in biological systems. That low hertz range was not present in the test sample of Dr. Bach's five flower formula.
Test 3 - Toward the end of 2012, a fascinating experiment was underway in the laboratory of Dr. Walter Dibble, principle research assistant to Dr. William Tiller since his days as a graduate student in the Stanford University department of physics (decades earlier.) According to the explanation professor Tiller gave to me, Dr. Dibble had devised a singularly unique way to experimentally measure changes in something called “gauge symmetry.” Gauge symmetry states in nature relate to how a space is thermodynamically organized, normally involving gauge state U(1), and rarely a higher more thermodynamically efficient gauge state, SU(2). By placing a sample of a particularly strong single FlorAlive® essence in the controlled measurement chamber, over a period of 3 weeks the whole chamber was raised to a higher gauge symmetry state SU(2), meaning a condition of greater coherence and less entropy (energy loss). The emergence of a pH signal oscillation took place that had never occurred before, and Dr. Dibble mentioned to me, that among other things, the more strongly coherent signal meant greater alignment in biological systems and more efficient use of energy. He mentioned that this type of signal would have to originate from a higher dimension above our normal 4D space/time framework and stair step down to the dimension we live in.

Dr. Dibble explained that the graph represents the emergence and increasing amplitude of radio signal oscillations at the 288th harmonic – originating beyond the normal physical realm. This change occurred solely as a result of the FlorAlive® essence being placed in the measurement chamber, and was not seen in any other measurement station in the laboratory. This explains how FlorAlive® essences (such as CLEAR™) can result in “space clearing” and improve harmony in the spaces we occupy.
Tests 4 & 5 – In April of 2014 other comparison tests were run using Dr. Bach’s emergency flower essence compared to the FlorAlive® ReviveAll™. (Excerpted from Dr. Davis’ 2014 book, The Floral Hand of God: Secret Healing Codes of Flowers Revealed.)

FlorAlive® and "Soft" Science
"Soft" science in the form of one clinical study using questionnaires and statistical analysis show that in one month the quantum frequencies of FlorAlive® essences diminished and removed destructive beliefs of the participants by as much as 50 percent. Validation by clinicians properly trained in applied kinesiology muscle testing shows on an ongoing basis that FlorAlive® essences remove self-destructive and limiting subconscious beliefs when tested by means of self-referential statements. (The validity of this type of testing has been demonstrated in a peer-reviewed scientific journal: Monti et al., Muscle Test Comparison of Congruent and Incongruent Self-Referential Statements, Perceptual and Motor Skills (1999) 88, 1019 - 1028.)
Study 1
A one month clinical trial of selected FlorAlive® UNCUT flower™ essences, employing a before and after questionnaire was undertaken from October 1, 2005 to November 1, 2005. Marcelline Burns, Ph.D., an expert in clinical design and statistical interpretation, administered the study with the participation of Dr. Brent Davis. Applied kinesiology muscle test measurement of change induced as a result of making self-referential statements was used to reveal areas of potential subconscious conflict. Flower essences were chosen on the basis of their ability to abolish unhealthy response from self-referential statements.
Figure 1 graphs the participants' total scores pre- and post-treatment. The difference between the two sets of scores by the paired t-test is statistically significant (t 5.89,22df, p<.001). As can be seen, the responses of 20 of the 23 participants were more positive (lower scores) after the 30-day regimen of FlorAlive® flower essences.
Table 2 shows the participants’ scores decreased on the post-treatment questionnaire, compared to their scores on the pre-treatment questionnaire, changing on average by 34 points, which is a 41% improvement.An analysis of the total response scores reveals a statistically significant relationship between pre- and post-treatment responses (Spearman Rank Correlation r = 0.61, p< .02)
Figure 1
Total Scores Pre and Post Treatment
23 Participants

Relative to the 9 feeling/affect statements which improved (Table 2), "I feel shut down" (item 7) showed 52% improvement. Emotional and physical abuse are the primary causes of emotional "shut down". The marked pre to post questionnaire improvement in item 7 of Table 2 especially, and in the other eight items as well, supports the clinical observation that FlorAlive® UNCUT flower™ essences cause an opening to more positive consciousness and to the potential of an exuberant life.
Study 2
On November 27, 2007, one hundred participants participated in extraordinary screening tests undertaken in the auditorium of the Culver City Senior Citizen’s center (Los Angeles area.) The subjects chosen for the study had to answer affirmatively to at least one of the following 3 questions. Most respondents answered affirmatively to all the questions.
Question 1:
Who among you has read books by at least one of the following authors?
- a) Deepak Chopra
- b) Wayne Dyer
- c) Carolyn Myss
- d) Don Miguel Ruiz
- e) Eckhart Tolle
Question 2:
Who among you has participated in at least one of the following:
- a) attended holistic health conferences and conventions?
- b) taken weekend workshops to improve consciousness and health?
- c) seen the movie, The Secret, one or more times?
Question 3:
Who among you has participated in at least one of the following:
- a) been treated with body/mind therapies to clear and balance your inner being?
- b) received holistic psychotherapy and counseling?
- c) regularly practiced meditation?
UNCUT flower™ quantum frequencies found in the FlorAlive® combination essence, ReviveAll™ (and two other single essences, Flor de la Luna and Madame Fate), were tested on each subject (by using applied kinesiology evaluation with semantic screening of self-referential statements), to see it they would remove limiting beliefs by overwriting them with higher and clearer flower frequencies.
Dr. Davis and another doctor assisting him screened 100 participants for the following limiting subconscious beliefs:
- Regardless of my efforts, I cannot influence the outcome.
- I am disconnected from the source of ALL life.
- I am free from the effects of emotional abuse.
- I am free from the influence of negative thoughts and beings.
- I allow myself to receive.
- I allow myself to receive love.
Among this very select group of people, individuals who had spent significant resources and a lot of time for the purpose of clearing themselves, we nevertheless found:
- 33% believed at the subconscious level “Regardless of my efforts I cannot influence the outcome.”
- 27% believed at the subconscious level “I am disconnected from the source of ALL life.”
- 33% were NOT “free from the effects of emotional abuse.”
- 36% were NOT “free from the influence of negative thoughts and beings.”
- 33% did NOT allow themselves “to receive.”
- 34% did NOT allow themselves “to receive love.
After the test phrases were performed and results noted, one or more of the three FlorAlive® test flower essences were administered. The vast majority of the 100 participants experienced significant or complete reversal of their previous harmful unconscious beliefs.
FlorAlive® and "Spiritual Science"
On a subjective level, comparisons of pre to post photos on this site of individuals who have taken FlorAlive® essences show in the eyes a trend which might be called "the liberation of light." (Please refer to the "Photos of Change" link HERE.) An easing of tension and a deep internal opening is often observed in photos after FlorAlive® essences have been consumed. Many testimonials also confirm this phenomenon. We hear comments from health professionals and consumers every week about astonishing transformations.
The three domains of Science:
"Science" can be described simply as a rational, orderly, and consistent way of investigating an experimental question. Scientific methods can be applied in several areas.
1. "Hard"science employs data collection instrumentation that yields results with the intention of being replicated independent of the operator. An example would be X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals.
2. "Soft"science uses a rational and orderly approach to assessing experimental questions which are inherently less objective than "hard" sciences. It may include use of tools such as questionnaires in the field of psychology, applied kinesiology muscle testing in the natural healing arts. Profoundly significant is the use of self-referential statements that are essentially important in the field of “energy psychology” which was born out of the holistic chiropractic practice of applied kinesiology. Dr. Davis’ inspired innovation was the use of those methods in the development of FlorAlive® flower essences from their inception. They are an important part of what distinguish FlorAlive® among all flower essences worldwide. The transformational benefits of FlorAlive® essences can (a) be measured by trained practitioners at the time the essence combinations are being formulated, (b) be tested before the course of FlorAlive® essences is commenced, and (c) be objectively analyzed after the essence has been consumed to measure its effectiveness.
3. "Spiritual"science is an approach to orderly thinking thoroughly explored by German philosopher, Rudolf Steiner. Ph.D.(1861-1925), who wrote more about the subject than perhaps anyone else.
Steiner always asserted that modern scientific methodology and spiritual subject matter are completely compatible. He believed, however, that material scientists should be grounded in spiritual science to be guided in truth. He wrote:
"Individual scientists have long recognized certain limitations – the speech [given by Du Bois-Reymond of Leipzig] ending with the admission 'ignorabimus', `we shall never know', has become famous. This eminent scientist meant by this that however much we may investigate the mysteries of nature with the methods of science, we shall never ultimately be able to discover what lives in the human soul as consciousness or understand what lies at the foundation of matter. It could be said that natural science has forced man as a spiritual being out of the picture of the world that it is building up."